The Little Hedgehog Richie Ridge-Hogg – Spine Flu


Richie Ridgehogg the little hedgehog, always a little dreamy, has not paid attention at school once again. And so he stumbles into his next, big adventure. An adventure he can only survive with the help of his many friends.

Zusätzliche Information

Einband / Cover

Hardcover-Einband A5


colored illustrations/farbige Illustrationen

Pages / Seiten

68 sheets / 68 Seiten

Age / Alter

from 4 years / ab 4 Jahre

Artikelnummer: 978-3-946020-10-3 Kategorie:


VAT free based on §19 UStG

Lieferzeit (innerhalb Deutschlands): 3-5 Werktage

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